Monday, July 23, 2007

I know I've only been posting about ice-cream and cake.....but my regular meals have been pretty dull recently. And I really really like eating cake and ice-cream.

This weekend's project (aside from reading Harry Potter) was this cake from Baking: From My Home to Yours.
It was a make-up for my brother's birthday because I didn't have time to bake him a cake earlier in the month. He is a big fan of chocolate and peanuts.

As a bonus here is a picture of the lasagna that my Mom made for Sunday dinner. It was delicious, but ever so slightly spicy.


None said...

You imply that spicy is a bad thing, when in fact everyone knows that it is the best of best things.

Anonymous said...

what?? where is the recipe for that cake? that peanut topping - oh my - yum-yum-yum.